Sunday, March 29, 2009

a few random pictures


Rapunzel said...

How fun is it to have a new baby around. Aww I miss it. I hope all is well now.

Tere Shake said...

sooo cute! she is darling. congrats.

B & C said...

I just want to eat her right up. She is absolutely perfect and I love her name. Soooo cute!

Brooke Breen said...

Oh my gosh she is so beautiful Mand!! You can really tell how tiny she is in these pics. I'm so glad your finally home call me when you get a sec I really can't wait to see her next week if your up to it?

Bryan and Christy Clark said...

Mandi! She is SO BEAUTIFUL! I love seeing cute babies and you definately have one of the most perfect beautiful looking babies I have ever seen!