Saturday, March 7, 2009

30 week ultrasound

Here she is at about 30 weeks, we are getting so excited to meet her! These 4-D ultrasounds are pretty amazing, we kind of feel like we are cheating a little. Any thoughts as to who she looks like??


Rapunzel said...

how crazy is that.... I totally think she looks like you. I don't know what it is, but I see you!!

Unknown said...

I see you mandy... in her little upper lips! She is gonna be adoaralble and I am so excited for you!

Sarah said...

She is beautiful! I don't know who she looks more like but I'm excited to meet her :)

Lieske said...

I love ultra sounds, especially when they get such amazing shots! She is so adorable! I am so happy for you guys!

Lane, Amanda, and Mason said...

How cute it does seem SO real! I'm not sure who she'll look more will be exciting to find OUT!

Byron Events said...

totally cheating! J/k - I was scared to get one of those ultrasounds - any - cant believe 33days left - Whats her name?

Anonymous said...

she's a good mix. I see your eyes and nose and Justin's mouth...she's going to be sooo cute!